Towards the correct ratio of roughage, BASICS, BALANCERS and protein for horses
Instead of 1 kg of hay per 100 kg of a horse's body weight, it appears that horses need at least 1.5% of their body weight in DM (dry matter) in fiber/roughage to keep the horse's body healthy and to experience less stress. experienced. That is almost 2 kg of dry hay per 100 kg of body weight. They even eat much more without restriction, up to 2.5 to 3 kg per 100 kg of horse. So make sure that horses and ponies do not become too fat with unlimited roughage!
Other fiber-rich products such as alfalfa, roughage mixes, dried herbs, carrots, light mueslis, bran and soaked beet pulp also fall within this fiber requirement. An increased need for energy and protein can be supplemented with a maximum of 1 kg of 'light' muesli, alfalfa chunks and/or another protein source.